
Who We Are

We are an independent financial services firm based in Providence, RI. We currently serve hundreds of valued clients across Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Texas. For over 10 years, we have provided guidance in various financial planning areas.

How It Started: From Financial Struggles to Empowering Dreams

Before establishing the firm, everything started with Miguel Bacata ‘s life story: a journey of resilience and success. A proud Latino and Colombian who arrived in the United States in 2015.

Here are some key highlights to share regarding Miguel's journey

  • He sold his house and cars and took on significant loans and credit card debt to establish and operate a rehabilitation center in Pereira, Colombia.

  • Due to changes in health laws, it was not possible to legally certify the center.

  • With financial struggles, he made the bold decision to travel to the U.S. with only $100 and a daunting $70,000 debt.

  • In order to pay these debts and bills in the U.S, he worked in various roles including construction, restaurants, and cleaning. (If this sounds familiar, you're not alone – Miguel's journey is an example to how everyone can make their dreams come true).

  • Miguel observed a common issue among Latin American immigrants: they work very hard but struggle to manage their finances and to overcome their scarcity mindset.

  • A significant story that resonated with Miguel was one about a man who worked tirelessly for 15 years but couldn't save $15,000 to return to his home country. This realization ignited Miguel's passion to make a difference.

  • Since then, Miguel focused on helping and empowering this community. So, he got a diploma in Professional Coaching based on Neuroscience and subsequently, he also obtained licenses to provide financial services in the U.S.

Miguel’s journey has been challenging but fueled by a profound desire to assist people in achieving their dreams without financial limits. This brand is not tailored for those content with their current lives; it’s designed for those who are eager to learn and make informed financial choices to transform their lives positively.

We strongly believe that success knows no barriers. When you believe in what you want and take action, your dreams come true. We are here to accompany you in that journey!

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